sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

Viviendo entre muertos

Recojo con mi mirada los movimientos sin sentido que hay a mi alrededor, busco en ellos el por qué y lo encontraré, mas el para qué no nunca lo veré...
Son movimientos vacios llenos de nada y de nadie quizas, retroalimentacion insubstancial y llena de aire inrespirable, de latidos acelerados, tanto que los corazones ya no dan vida a la vida, mas sí a la muerte, muerte fisica y muerte espiritual...
Pero aun estoy, para que mis ojos puedan ver y mis oidos escuchar y aun mi corazón sentir el todo y la nada, unidos en un universo infinito de posibilidades imposibles, de verdades olvidadas, de valores inexistentes y de razones de irracionales... que pretenden vivir y no viven sino que mueren... y aun estoy.
Bendigo yo misma mis ojos porque pueden ver todo aquella inmundicia que me rodea mas no me contamina, y bendice El Gran Hacedor mis dias porque hoy vivo y respiro mi propio aire aunque viva entre muertos.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2008

Mis conclusiones...

  • Una mente educada, es una mente productiva.
  • Todo individuo que no sea educado en la sociedad de la que forma parte, es una amenaza para ella misma.
  • Existir es el gran deseo de ser.
  • Seremos uno en la carne, pero no compartiremos pulmones, asi que podre seguir respirarando mi propio aire!!.
  • Un dia, es simplemente la oportunidad para corregir errores.
  • El mañana no existe hasta que no lo vez, y cuando lo vez ya es hoy, asi que el mañana no existe sino en nuestra mente.
  • Si no haces planes con lo que no tienes, es muy probable que nunca tengas lo que esta en tus planes.
  • El pais donde naciste es tu cuna, si no hayas quien te mesa, pues chupate ese biberón.
  • Un pais es una familia que simplemente se multiplico un poco demasiado.
  • El sabio busca con humildad el conocimiento, el orgulloso se jacta ante el humilde de lo poco que sabe.
  • El tener clase es tener educacion, cuando tienes educacion, te das cuenta que las clases no existen.
Elizabeth Baez

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008

Face my book

See, I'm abt to put a fetching white flag on my web door... Im abt to hate the g..d... site...Too slow, too many applications at the same fetching time. Can you belive that?. Today, after a loooong while since I joined, just found more than 20 "request"?.... also messages, and other load of stuff that honestly dont even know how to get back where I found them...or what to do, actually I know... I'll ignore them all damm it!!...(when I find them again of curse) see, I know how to fix my computer myself, I even know how to build a website myself... but, this site is f...g driving me nut!... I joined cuz I got like 10 requests from some buddies... dont remember who, and then I put in whatever data; like date of b, location and stuff cuz I couldnt even find the damm thing right... and on the top... not a colored sprinkled one by the way...I was criticized cuz my date appeared as 1983!! shit,... I put it wrong, what the heck!, but I got it straight up... then my network?...yes... my so-far-away-from-reality "network" is it right network?... well, when I was in the sign in process and stuff, I only found one location: the States, I said what! Naaahh R U TELLING ME THIS IS JUST FOR GRINGOS no me joda!!, but I swalowed my pride!! yes I did...so I went ahead and selected some town from utah... There was absolutely no Dominican Republic, none at all!! I though that probably web masters were kind of racists and made me feel marginalized (wow what a term!!! but yes nice as it sounds) ...then after another looong while and after sweating like a green nerd, first day working at MacDonnals in the 42nd St NY I found a list...my goodness Dominican Depublic was there!! (wow Rachel becoming mother!) I was abt to grab a map and send it to the web masters... so I've ended up hating this site called facebook...Now a question just crossed my brilliant and futuristic mind (je-je!!)... what the heck people are going to do?... I mean, hi5, myspace, facebook, to mention just a couple of the make-friends-or-leave-your-ass-sticked-in-the-chair-while-trying "networks"... well I think people will find the same "friends" cuz, hi5ers will be moving to the new and "in" thing which is the horribly-hard-for-me facebook... and, unless you change your pictures you'll be showing up the same goddamm thing!! same pictures, same you same shit you share in hi5... but, getting back to my lane, my point here is, that honestly all the sophistication and technology and all those applications got me so confused and I can tell even lost, the..."want-a-drink?"... the "fulano wants to have an icecream with you...will you accept?" ...fulanito "wants to beat you with the WHO TAKE A DUMP FASTER quiz".... or..."what your b-day mean".... there!! that one's the top of the tops on the applications thing!; you have to answer a couple of Qs then it'll link you to another web to sign up and receive something free and then...I dont know what shit else cuz it was when my anger touched the peack...I got really pissed and decided to write this post...I said: Fu... that shit right there now u face my ass I mean, my book!!